Stanley Road Curriculum
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum which can be found by clicking the link below. We have developed our curriculum over recent years to ensure we not only meet but exceed the requirements of the national curriculum in providing our pupils with a knowledge-rich education to ensure their success as they move into KS3. The National Curriculum document shows the statutory objectives for the knowledge, skills and understanding that we teach at Stanley Road from Year 1 to Year 6.
National Curriculum
National Curriculum
The document below shows an overview of the curriculum at Stanley Road for each subject and each year group.

Curriculum Overviews by subject |
At Stanley Road we offer a broad, balanced and academically rigorous curriculum for all our learners. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught using the EYFS framework with an emphasis on developing key skills, knowledge and understanding through direct teaching and structured continuous provision.
"We are passing on the discoveries and work of the previous generations to the next whilst empowering them to add to this body of knowledge in the future."
Mark Enser, 2019
Our curriculum is designed with knowledge at its heart to ensure that children develop a strong vocabulary base and understanding of the world. The curriculum promotes long-term learning and we believe that progress means knowing more and remembering more. We have developed a curriculum built on current research regarding how memory works to ensure that children not only have access to 'the best that has been thought and said' but are taught this in a way that ensures children can remember the curriculum content in future years. We make use of knowledge organisers (which are sent home regularly) to ensure children know exactly which information is expected to be learned over the course of their study in a particular subject. One of the central aims of the curriculum is to ensure that our pupils are both "interesting and interested". We want them to be 'interesting' to talk to, because they know a great deal about the world and 'interested' in finding out more. We understand that knowledge is 'sticky', in other words, the more pupils know the easier it is for them to know more. This is why we place particular emphasis on children knowing by heart and building rich webs of knowledge as they progress through the curriculum. Parents can support this work through quizzing children on the knowledge organisers according to the revision schedule provided on the back.
In English we teach a broad curriculum covering reading, writing, grammar and oracy. We follow an approach to the teaching of writing called 'The Write Stuff'. This was implemented throughout school in 2017-18 and lead to a significant increase in the quality of writing. We have a curriculum of high quality texts which are used throughout school that builds children's knowledge of literature and their reading ability in a structured way. We study a range of modern and classic fiction including books such as The Hobbit in Y6, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in Y5, The Iron Man in Y3 and A Bear Called Paddington in Year 2.
Children will be given a reading book to take home each week and it is helpful if parents can make a brief comment in the child's reading record to let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home. We expect children to bring their reading books into school everyday. All children in Reception are given a free book bag, if you would like to purchase a new one they can be bought from the school office.
Children in Key Stage 2 will be given a book to take home each day which is at their individual reading level. It is helpful if parents can write a comment in the reading record books to keep us up to date on how children are getting on with their reading at home. We expect children to bring their reading books into school each day.
Developing confident readers is one of our school priorities and we greatly appreciate parental support in this area.
From September 2021, we will be using the Sounds-Write phonics programme to ensure children develop their phonic skills in a coherent and systematic way. There is direct teaching of phonics using this programme from Nursery upwards. Children in KS2 receive additional phonics teaching if they have failed to pass the phonics check in Year 1 or the retake in Year 2. Children who are still developing their phonic knowledge take home a phonically decodable book matched closely to their phonic phase every night. It is one of our school priorities to ensure that all children develop confidence in phonics to enable them to become confident readers and writers. We greatly appreciate parental support in this area and encourage parents to read the phonically decodable books with their child regularly. We strongly encourage parents to complete the free Sounds-Write course for parents of children aged 4 to 6 years. This will help to ensure the way that parents support their children at home matches the methods we use in school. This will help to ensure that children quickly become confident readers and writers. The one hour course can be accessed by clicking the link here - SOUNDS-WRITE PARENT PROGRAMME
We use the White Rose Maths Hub plans across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum. Pupils have many opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development. There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving. For further information on the White Rose Maths Hub scheme and how parents can support their children please visit the White Rose Maths Hub website here - WHITE ROSE MATHS HUB WEBSITE.
When the children enter Year 5 they undertake an intensive two year programme of Classics education which incorporates the Latin language. We use the Maximum Classics Scheme in Year 5 (overview available here) and in 2020-21 Year 6 will be using the Minimus Scheme. We are supported in our Classics education programme by the charity Classics For All. We believe that learning Latin gives our children a strong foundation to move to high school and study other languages. The study of Latin also support children's understanding of English and, in particular, grammar and etymology (where words come from).
At Stanley Road we follow the Agreed Oldham Syllabus for Religious Education. The aim is to develop an understanding of different religions and promote tolerance of others. Our teaching often focuses on the key stories from different religions. If parents have any questions about our RE teaching please ring the school to make an appointment with our RE leader.
Art and Design
In art, pupils will learn about some of the most significant pieces of art that have been created and the artists that created them. They will also learn how to produce their own pieces of art in a range of different forms. We place great emphasis on teaching pupils to draw with a structured drawing programme in KS2 that builds up children's skills over time. We ensure pupils have lots of chance to practice the basics so that they are able to use their knowledge to create their own pieces of art at the end of a unit of study.
Design Technology
Our Design Technology curriculum is based on the planning provided by the Design and Technology Association. We use their projects on a page resources to form the basis of our DT curriculum. Pupils take part in designing, making and evaluating a range of different projects and learn about some of the great engineers of the past. Projects involve making mechanisms such as levers, learning to sew and food technology where pupils learn to bake bread and scones amongst other things.
We base our Computing curriculum on the Purple Mash scheme of work which ensures pupils gain a solid grasp of the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to move onto further study at KS3.
History, Geography and Science
We have developed a bespoke knowledge-rich curriculum which gives children access to broad knowledge in subjects such as History, Geography and Science. We have a well sequenced programme that builds knowledge and vocabulary in a well thought out way and ensures that learning is remembered for the long term. We ensure content meets and exceeds the national curriculum. Content is planned so that more difficult abstract concepts are covered in different contexts over time. For example in History children develop an understanding of Monarchy by learning about different Kings and Queens throughout KS1 and 2 to understand hereditary monarchy and a study of the Mayan civilisation which provides a contrasting view of an absolute monarchy. Pupils use their studies in these subjects to develop their writing and many units of work will contain essays for the children to write based on what they have learned.
We have high expectations for what children will know and remember in each subject. See the overviews for further information.
We currently use the well respected Charanga scheme of learning for our music teaching throughout school. This is a well structured programme of learning that builds pupils knowledge, skills and understanding in music giving them time to study important pieces of music and also to learn how to create music. Alongside this programme we use the BBC Ten Pieces resources to teach our pupils about significant pieces of classical music.
Our children in Year 4 take part in a programme of intensive music tuition provided by specialist music teachers to help them learn the clarinet or flute. Children who work hard to improve their instrumental skills are able to carry on this specialist teaching in a small group in Year 5. For further information on the details of the curriculum studied by our Year 4 children as part of the Wider Opportunities Music programme please click the PDF download below.
Physical Education
Our PE curriculum is based around the Val Sabin Scheme of work covering Athletics, Games, Dance, Gymnastics and Outdoor Adventure. We are supported by Oldham Sports Development team to provide high quality PE for all year groups. Pupils in Y3 undertake an intensive block of swimming instruction.
We teach a wide ranging PSHE curriculum including Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). We provide clear communication to parents about what is taught in RSE lessons. Before a unit of work is completed we invite parents in to discuss the content of the lessons and share any resources that we will use with them. Parents are then given the opportunity to withdraw their children from these lessons if needed.
Curriculum Diversity
Our curriculum promotes diversity through the study and celebration of a wide range of famous people. Here are some of the curriculum elements that help to promote diversity at Stanley Road...
In Early Years children learn about different types of families.
In Year 1 children study the life and achievements of the famous female pilot Amelia Earhart.
In Year 2 children study the life and works of Enid Blyton, Jill Murphy and Beatrix Potter.
In Year 3 children study the achievements of swimmer Gertrude Ederle as part of their Blue Planet topic.
In Year 4 children study Africa and read Beverley Naidoo's book 'Journey to Jo'burg'. They also study the Egyptian queen Nefertiti and the legacy of Nelson Mandela.
In Year 5 children study famous Oldhamers such as suffragette Annie Kenney.
In Year 6 children study the role of women in World War 2 and investigate the life of Anne Frank and her impact on the world. They also study the work of famous scientists such as Marie Curie.
Preparing for SAT tests
Children in Year 2 and Year 6 take SAT tests in the Summer term to check how they are progressing with their learning. SATs include tests of reading, grammar and mathematics. At Stanley Road we want all our children to achieve good results in these tests as they are good indicators of their general ability in maths and English. While we value the tests, we believe that a broad curriculum helps children to succeed rather than narrowing teaching to focus on English and Maths. We pride ourselves on ensuring that Year 6 children have access to the full range of subjects in the lead up to the tests in May. As our curriculum is rigorous and built on high expectations we do not run additional booster classes outside of the school day or during holidays and weekends.
Trips and Visits
Each year group has at least one trip or visit to enrich their curriculum. We also often invite people in to school to work with children to enrich learning further.
Our Curriculum Themes
Please see the downloadable PDF documents below for a broad overview of our curriculum in each year group for each subject.
For further information on our curriculum please contact school to make an appointment to speak to our curriculum leader (A Percival).
"We are passing on the discoveries and work of the previous generations to the next whilst empowering them to add to this body of knowledge in the future."
Mark Enser, 2019
Our curriculum is designed with knowledge at its heart to ensure that children develop a strong vocabulary base and understanding of the world. The curriculum promotes long-term learning and we believe that progress means knowing more and remembering more. We have developed a curriculum built on current research regarding how memory works to ensure that children not only have access to 'the best that has been thought and said' but are taught this in a way that ensures children can remember the curriculum content in future years. We make use of knowledge organisers (which are sent home regularly) to ensure children know exactly which information is expected to be learned over the course of their study in a particular subject. One of the central aims of the curriculum is to ensure that our pupils are both "interesting and interested". We want them to be 'interesting' to talk to, because they know a great deal about the world and 'interested' in finding out more. We understand that knowledge is 'sticky', in other words, the more pupils know the easier it is for them to know more. This is why we place particular emphasis on children knowing by heart and building rich webs of knowledge as they progress through the curriculum. Parents can support this work through quizzing children on the knowledge organisers according to the revision schedule provided on the back.
In English we teach a broad curriculum covering reading, writing, grammar and oracy. We follow an approach to the teaching of writing called 'The Write Stuff'. This was implemented throughout school in 2017-18 and lead to a significant increase in the quality of writing. We have a curriculum of high quality texts which are used throughout school that builds children's knowledge of literature and their reading ability in a structured way. We study a range of modern and classic fiction including books such as The Hobbit in Y6, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in Y5, The Iron Man in Y3 and A Bear Called Paddington in Year 2.
Children will be given a reading book to take home each week and it is helpful if parents can make a brief comment in the child's reading record to let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home. We expect children to bring their reading books into school everyday. All children in Reception are given a free book bag, if you would like to purchase a new one they can be bought from the school office.
Children in Key Stage 2 will be given a book to take home each day which is at their individual reading level. It is helpful if parents can write a comment in the reading record books to keep us up to date on how children are getting on with their reading at home. We expect children to bring their reading books into school each day.
Developing confident readers is one of our school priorities and we greatly appreciate parental support in this area.
From September 2021, we will be using the Sounds-Write phonics programme to ensure children develop their phonic skills in a coherent and systematic way. There is direct teaching of phonics using this programme from Nursery upwards. Children in KS2 receive additional phonics teaching if they have failed to pass the phonics check in Year 1 or the retake in Year 2. Children who are still developing their phonic knowledge take home a phonically decodable book matched closely to their phonic phase every night. It is one of our school priorities to ensure that all children develop confidence in phonics to enable them to become confident readers and writers. We greatly appreciate parental support in this area and encourage parents to read the phonically decodable books with their child regularly. We strongly encourage parents to complete the free Sounds-Write course for parents of children aged 4 to 6 years. This will help to ensure the way that parents support their children at home matches the methods we use in school. This will help to ensure that children quickly become confident readers and writers. The one hour course can be accessed by clicking the link here - SOUNDS-WRITE PARENT PROGRAMME
We use the White Rose Maths Hub plans across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum. Pupils have many opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development. There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving. For further information on the White Rose Maths Hub scheme and how parents can support their children please visit the White Rose Maths Hub website here - WHITE ROSE MATHS HUB WEBSITE.
When the children enter Year 5 they undertake an intensive two year programme of Classics education which incorporates the Latin language. We use the Maximum Classics Scheme in Year 5 (overview available here) and in 2020-21 Year 6 will be using the Minimus Scheme. We are supported in our Classics education programme by the charity Classics For All. We believe that learning Latin gives our children a strong foundation to move to high school and study other languages. The study of Latin also support children's understanding of English and, in particular, grammar and etymology (where words come from).
At Stanley Road we follow the Agreed Oldham Syllabus for Religious Education. The aim is to develop an understanding of different religions and promote tolerance of others. Our teaching often focuses on the key stories from different religions. If parents have any questions about our RE teaching please ring the school to make an appointment with our RE leader.
Art and Design
In art, pupils will learn about some of the most significant pieces of art that have been created and the artists that created them. They will also learn how to produce their own pieces of art in a range of different forms. We place great emphasis on teaching pupils to draw with a structured drawing programme in KS2 that builds up children's skills over time. We ensure pupils have lots of chance to practice the basics so that they are able to use their knowledge to create their own pieces of art at the end of a unit of study.
Design Technology
Our Design Technology curriculum is based on the planning provided by the Design and Technology Association. We use their projects on a page resources to form the basis of our DT curriculum. Pupils take part in designing, making and evaluating a range of different projects and learn about some of the great engineers of the past. Projects involve making mechanisms such as levers, learning to sew and food technology where pupils learn to bake bread and scones amongst other things.
We base our Computing curriculum on the Purple Mash scheme of work which ensures pupils gain a solid grasp of the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to move onto further study at KS3.
History, Geography and Science
We have developed a bespoke knowledge-rich curriculum which gives children access to broad knowledge in subjects such as History, Geography and Science. We have a well sequenced programme that builds knowledge and vocabulary in a well thought out way and ensures that learning is remembered for the long term. We ensure content meets and exceeds the national curriculum. Content is planned so that more difficult abstract concepts are covered in different contexts over time. For example in History children develop an understanding of Monarchy by learning about different Kings and Queens throughout KS1 and 2 to understand hereditary monarchy and a study of the Mayan civilisation which provides a contrasting view of an absolute monarchy. Pupils use their studies in these subjects to develop their writing and many units of work will contain essays for the children to write based on what they have learned.
We have high expectations for what children will know and remember in each subject. See the overviews for further information.
We currently use the well respected Charanga scheme of learning for our music teaching throughout school. This is a well structured programme of learning that builds pupils knowledge, skills and understanding in music giving them time to study important pieces of music and also to learn how to create music. Alongside this programme we use the BBC Ten Pieces resources to teach our pupils about significant pieces of classical music.
Our children in Year 4 take part in a programme of intensive music tuition provided by specialist music teachers to help them learn the clarinet or flute. Children who work hard to improve their instrumental skills are able to carry on this specialist teaching in a small group in Year 5. For further information on the details of the curriculum studied by our Year 4 children as part of the Wider Opportunities Music programme please click the PDF download below.
Physical Education
Our PE curriculum is based around the Val Sabin Scheme of work covering Athletics, Games, Dance, Gymnastics and Outdoor Adventure. We are supported by Oldham Sports Development team to provide high quality PE for all year groups. Pupils in Y3 undertake an intensive block of swimming instruction.
We teach a wide ranging PSHE curriculum including Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). We provide clear communication to parents about what is taught in RSE lessons. Before a unit of work is completed we invite parents in to discuss the content of the lessons and share any resources that we will use with them. Parents are then given the opportunity to withdraw their children from these lessons if needed.
Curriculum Diversity
Our curriculum promotes diversity through the study and celebration of a wide range of famous people. Here are some of the curriculum elements that help to promote diversity at Stanley Road...
In Early Years children learn about different types of families.
In Year 1 children study the life and achievements of the famous female pilot Amelia Earhart.
In Year 2 children study the life and works of Enid Blyton, Jill Murphy and Beatrix Potter.
In Year 3 children study the achievements of swimmer Gertrude Ederle as part of their Blue Planet topic.
In Year 4 children study Africa and read Beverley Naidoo's book 'Journey to Jo'burg'. They also study the Egyptian queen Nefertiti and the legacy of Nelson Mandela.
In Year 5 children study famous Oldhamers such as suffragette Annie Kenney.
In Year 6 children study the role of women in World War 2 and investigate the life of Anne Frank and her impact on the world. They also study the work of famous scientists such as Marie Curie.
Preparing for SAT tests
Children in Year 2 and Year 6 take SAT tests in the Summer term to check how they are progressing with their learning. SATs include tests of reading, grammar and mathematics. At Stanley Road we want all our children to achieve good results in these tests as they are good indicators of their general ability in maths and English. While we value the tests, we believe that a broad curriculum helps children to succeed rather than narrowing teaching to focus on English and Maths. We pride ourselves on ensuring that Year 6 children have access to the full range of subjects in the lead up to the tests in May. As our curriculum is rigorous and built on high expectations we do not run additional booster classes outside of the school day or during holidays and weekends.
Trips and Visits
Each year group has at least one trip or visit to enrich their curriculum. We also often invite people in to school to work with children to enrich learning further.
Our Curriculum Themes
Please see the downloadable PDF documents below for a broad overview of our curriculum in each year group for each subject.
For further information on our curriculum please contact school to make an appointment to speak to our curriculum leader (A Percival).
The document below shows you how we have organised our curriculum. (Please note - if you are viewing this on a mobile device please click the download links at the bottom of the page)
Here is our English book curriculum including the range of books we study throughout school. We ensure that books are high quality and help to inspire the children to produce excellent writing related to what they have read in class. (If you are viewing this on a mobile device please click the download links at the bottom of the page)
This is our Visual Calculation Policy which gives a clear structure to the calculation methods used throughout school.
Please click below to download our curriculum overview (topic cycle), a guide for parents to help them understand the requirements of the new national curriculum and some information about teaching phonics.