Mathematics Curriculum
We are passing on the discoveries and work of the previous generations to the next, whilst empowering pupils to add to this body of knowledge in the future.
We use the White Rose Maths Hub plans across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum. Pupils have many opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development. There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving. For further information on the White Rose Maths Hub scheme and how parents can support their children please visit the White Rose Maths Hub website here - WHITE ROSE MATHS HUB WEBSITE.
The document below shows the content covered in each area of maths from EYFS to Year 6
The document below shows further detail of how our curriculum is broken down and the amount of time we spend on particular units of work.

Stanley Road Maths Curriculum |

White Rose Maths Hub Progression Doument |