School Uniform
Here is the uniform policy for children from Nursery to Year 6 for all pupils-
- Dark trousers,
- black or grey skirt,
- white shirt, blouse or polo shirt,
- school jumper/cardigan (these items do not need to be branded)
- and black shoes.
Dark shorts can be worn in the Summer term as can blue check dresses.
Headscarves should be white, blue or black.
Please make sure that clothes are clearly labelled with the child's name so they can be easily identified.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school the exceptions to this rule are earring studs in pierced ears, small objects of religious significance and a watch. We ask the children to either remove these objects during PE or cover them with a plaster.
For safety and practicality, long hair must be tied back from the face. Long hair is classed as below the nape of the neck. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Anything under a grade 2 or patterns shaved into the hair are considered extreme.
Black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, white T-shirt, trainers for outside. A sweatshirt can also be worn in colder months.
Indoor PE is done in bare feet or black pumps.
School uniform can be purchased from 'Debonair - The School Uniform Shop' at the Indoor Market in Oldham. They can be contacted on 0161 620 0237. Non-branded items can be purchased from all major supermarkets.
Items of second-hand uniform are available at the school office.
If you have any questions about our school uniform policy please contact us on 0161 770 8383.