Attendance Information
Dear Parents/Carers
Attendance at school is vital for your child's educational success now and into the future. We attach great importance to pupil attendance and will work in partnership with parents to ensure all children have the best possible attendance. We listen, understand, empathise and support but we will also challenge.
Our term dates can be found below. We have consulted with other schools, the Local Authority and the school’s Governing body to produce a holiday pattern which considers all stakeholders at Stanley Road. As you will see, it takes into consideration the major religious festivals as reflected in the make-up of our school community.
As per school policy, no other absences for holiday or extended leave will be authorised and it is expected that children attend school on the planned 190 days. Thank you for your continued support in securing excellent attendance for your child.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Howarth
Attendance at school is vital for your child's educational success now and into the future. We attach great importance to pupil attendance and will work in partnership with parents to ensure all children have the best possible attendance. We listen, understand, empathise and support but we will also challenge.
Our term dates can be found below. We have consulted with other schools, the Local Authority and the school’s Governing body to produce a holiday pattern which considers all stakeholders at Stanley Road. As you will see, it takes into consideration the major religious festivals as reflected in the make-up of our school community.
As per school policy, no other absences for holiday or extended leave will be authorised and it is expected that children attend school on the planned 190 days. Thank you for your continued support in securing excellent attendance for your child.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Howarth
Term Dates

Term Dates 2023-24 |

Term Dates 2024-25 |

Term Dates 2025-26 |